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In jos 

Numarul mesajelor : 859
Varsta : 34
Localisation : Austria
Data de inscriere : 28/06/2007

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MesajSubiect: Interviuri   Interviuri Icon_minitime24.11.07 14:30

aici puneti Interviuri
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 859
Varsta : 34
Localisation : Austria
Data de inscriere : 28/06/2007

Interviuri Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Interviuri   Interviuri Icon_minitime24.11.07 14:33

Interviuri B1-225
VERITASAGA - Cu Altii Ochi

1. Salut. Au
trecut cam 2 ani de la anuntarea noului album Veritasaga si lumea
incepuse sa se intrebe daca intr-adevar va mai exista un al 2-lea
album. Ce s-a intamplat in acesti 2 ani?

Incorect. La anul, in iulie se implinesc 2 ani de cand am anuntat "Cu
alti ochi". In acesti 2 ani... hmm, tough question. In acesti 2 ani s-a
elaborat albumul din minte pe hartie, in studio si (urmeaza) la voi in
boxe. Si toate astea in timp ce am fost nevoiti sa si traim cu tot ceea
ce implica aceasta activitate.

2. Albumul era gata de ceva timp daca nu ma insel, nu?

Barely. Si saptamana trecuta am facut modificari la el, dar in mare
este gata de ceva vreme. Problema a fost... Chiar, care a fost
problema? Pai sa vedem, ca sunt pe alese: realizarea unui buget pentru
lansare, oamenii care nu au venit la Summer Jam (da, si asta este
inclusa la factorii care au intarziat aparitia albumului), discutiile
cu casele
de discuri, realizarea unui buget pentru un videoclip,
accesul la o retea de distributie a albumului. Toti banii astia nu se
pot strange doar din concerte. Si vreau sa vad si eu cati dintre voi
scoateti bani din buzunar sa va astupati gropile de pe trotuarul din
fata locuintei dvs.

3. Incheierea unui contract cu o casa de discuri?

In ciuda faptului ca am asistat la 1 discutie cu un reprezentant al
unei case de discuri vizavi de albumul nostru, aceste... companii de
afaceri raman un mister pentru noi. Acum ca am participat la acea
intalnire, nici nu mai vreau sa stiu cum e "sa fii la o casa de
discuri". Si in plus de asta ne simtim bine la Hades. Practic nici nu
simtim ca suntem la un label. Baietii ne suna, ne zic unde avem
concerte, noi mergem, ne intoarcem, bem o bere, mergem la un eveniment
Hades (traiasca Hades Events), mai o mare, un munte. In 2 cuvinte...
pentru noi Hades Records inseamna mai mult pe plan social decat pe plan
profesional/muzical. Then again... noi am crescut langa Hades si

4. De distribuirea albumului presupun ca se
va ocupa tot Hades Records. Oare va ajunge albumul in original la toti
cei care il vor? Stiu ca s-a incercat incheierea unor contracte cu
diferite magazine de specialitate.

Nu stiu mare lucru despre acest aspect. Am inteles ca este posibil sa
fie distribuit printr-o retea de magazine careia ii vom spune "D". Dar
cred ca mai bine vorbiti cu Kombat a.k.a. El Lider Maximo la Hades.

Despre distributie sunt multe de spus. Poate multi nu stiu dar este o
adevarata mafie a distributiei si chiar a prezentei pe raft. Tu poti sa
inchei foarte bine contract cu distribuitorii si sa nu te puna in raft,
prioritate avand ei si cei care cotizeaza, adica "aia marii". Important
este ca fiecare sa viziteze site-ul Hades unde vor gasi toate
informatiile despre locurile unde se va gasi albumul. Noi am inceput
deja sa semnam contracte cu distribuitori independenti, albumul Ad
Litteram putand fi gasit fara probleme in magazine in Bucuresti, Tg.
Mures sau Cluj.
Pana la aparitia albumului vor mai fi incheiate
astfel de contracte si da... asa cum sugera si Dribbler incercam si cu
Diverta desi ei au o politica mai restrictiva. Categoric va functiona
si un magazin on-line, care chiar FUNCTIONEAZA, dovada stand toate
comenzile pentru Ad Litteram care au fost onorate.

Materialul este foarte asteptat in mica lume virtuala a hip hop-ului pe
internet. Crezi ca va razbate in lumea mare? "Punct si de la capat" a
razbatut foarte bine chiar fara promovare.

Hai sa definim impreuna lumea mare pentru ca la sensul care s-a
infiripat acum in capul meu, "Punct si de la capat" nici macar nu a
zgariat podeaua lumii mari.

6. Lumea mare insemnand
mai mult decat cei ce intra pe internet si au ceva cunostinte minime
despre trupele ce nu sunt "comerciale". Ma refer la publicul larg.

Hai sa-l numim “lumea de mijloc”, locul despre care discutam noi acum.
Eu cred ca are sanse pentru ca este construit intr-un stil accesibil
pentru publicul larg dar cu destule condimente pentru cel de
specialitate atat ca sound cat si ca "feel". Acum nu vreau ca cineva sa
creada ca avem un target specific catre care ne indreptam piesele. N-am
avut la inceput, n-avem nici acum, nu vreau sa folosesc inca o negatie
in ceea ce priveste viitorul pentru ca habar nu am ce urmeaza.

7. La ce va asteptati de la album?

Dribbler: Sa respire. Atat. Breathe & live.

8. Exista sau cel putin da impresia ca exista o mare masa de fani
Veritasaga ce asteapta albumul cu nerabdare. Cezi ca cei care zic ca il
asteapata de mult timp vor si cumpara albumul sau se vor rezuma la
downloadarea lui?

Dribbler: Nu stiu
daca exista o mare masa de fani Veritasaga. N-am stiut niciodata sau
poate nu vrem sa stim, dar in orice caz e o atitudine sanatoasa, oricat
de negativista ar fi. Oricum, e mai bine sa stii ca ai prieteni si sa
nu recunosti, decat sa te lauzi ca ai prieteni si sa nu ai nici unul.

9. Exista comportamentul acel de genul "il downloadez si daca imi place
il cumpar" iar apoi intervine comoditatea si faptul ca "il am, l-am
ascultat, m-am saturat de el, ce rost mai are sa il cumpar?". Si mai e
si faptul ca o parte din cei ce asculta Veritasaga sunt elevi si
prefera sa downloadeze albumul, desi sunt "fani" ai trupei. Lucru
valabil in general nu numai pentru voi.

Dribbler: Nu cred ca toti cei care declara ca sunt interesati de album il vor cumpara dar vreau sa cred ca 66% din cei care inteleg si
apreciaza mesajul acestui album chiar daca mai intai il vor downloada
(rusine) il vor si cumpara. Eu spre exemplu, ce downloadez si nu-mi
place nu cumpar. Cu alte cuvinte, daca downloadez ceva si nu cumpar,
atunci clar
nu-mi place, deci nu ascult si nu recomand altora. That's all.

10. Sa risipim putin si misterul albumului. Cate piese sunt? Acum ceva
vreme postasei un playlist provizoriu. Ce s-a schimbat la el?

Dribbler: Sunt 16 piese. 21 de track-uri. Restul de 5 ramane sa-mi spuneti voi ce sunt.

11. Productia este asigurata exclusiv de catre tine?

Dribbler: La Veritasaga da. Pe "Cu alti ochi" - 90%. Politica interna a label-ului incurajeaza colaborarea cu cel putin 1 producator din
interiorul label-ului dar de la alta formatie (that's a bit of
marketing for us). Pe DJ Undoo si Ortega i-am “utilizat” pentru ca sunt

12. Colaborarile, pentru ca stiu ca exista, sunt tot din interiorul label-ului?

Dribbler: Nu toate, dar majoritatea da. Ne e mult mai usor sa abordam oamenii care sunt la acelasi label.

13. Cine apare pe album la acest capitol? In afara de Undoo si Ortega la productie.

Pai tocmai acum faceam lista cu cei carora trebuie sa le iau o
declaratie pentru ca au colaborat cu noi pe acest album minunat.
Catalin de la Coma, Michi si Junkyard de la Suie Paparude, Bitza,
Nimeni Altu, Aforic, Funktastics, DJ FaiboX, Simina (cea mai misto voce
incognito la ora actuala cred), Kombat, Butch si diversi alti oameni
care au adus diverse aporturi (de bun gust) la acest album.

14. Colaborarea cu cei de la Suie Paparude este cel putin surprinzatoare. La ce piesa ati colaborat?

Dribbler: La o piesa pe care se va face POGO! Ca tot vazusem pe forum deunazi chestia asta. Pe piesa... nu mai stiu cum se numeste.
Denumirea finala parca am hotarat-o noi luna asta. Hmm... da, e vorba de piesa 11.

15. Asta e numele final?

Dribbler: Nu e numele final, dar nu am autorizatie sa dezvalui momentan. Over. Chhh...

16. La capitolul productie cum o sa stea treaba cu sample-urile? La
"Punct si de la capat" au aparut multe afirmatii de genul "au furat
negativul de la" sau "e copiata dupa".

Ma bucur ca ai intrebat asta. Pe "Cu alti ochi" am furat unele
instrumentale de la niste necunoscuti straini, nu-i mai stiu acum sa
ti-i zic, iar restul... le-am copiat dupa altele si mai si.
Serios acum. Pe "Punct si de la capat" aveam o politica mai rudimentara
in legatura cu sampling-ul in sensul ca alegeam piese mai mult
cunoscute decat obscure de unde sa semplam. De asemenea nu ma oboseam
prea mult sa le editez cat ma concentram asupra orchestratiei globale.
Asta s-a schimbat
inevitabil insa pe parcurs, iar acum astept cu interes comentariile tuturor vanatorilor de surse. I got my kevlar on, buddy.

17. La modul in care se analizeaza acum piesele in loc de a se asculta, poti sa fii sigur ca te vor prinde si aici cu "furtul".

Riscurile meseriei. Einstein a zis: “secretul creativitatii este
abilitatea de a-ti ascunde sursele”. Nu sunt intru totul de acord,
dar privit de departe, are dreptate. Eu nu-mi ascund sursele, doar nu le mentionez.

18. Care e statutul lui Praetor in trupa?

Dribbler: Praetor nu e colaborator, el este "filiala" noastra din Australia. Face parte din trupa cum fac parte si Sonia, eu sau Jhivago
doar ca este la 65.000 km distanta. Membru activ cu drepturi depline dar pe un fus orar deranjant rau.
Sa nu se inteleaga altceva. Fiecare membru are rolul lui primar, bine
stabilit by default, dar se poate implica si in alte activitati care
fac parte din procesul de creatie al unei piese. Spre exemplu Praetor
mai si produce, eu mai vin cu idei de piesa sau refrene, versuri
Deci ne mai abatem de la rolul nostru principal in scopuri nobile?

19. Clipul stiu ca este la piesa "Cer Senin". De ce a fost aleasa piesa asta pentru clip si nu alta?

Pentru ca marcheaza trecerea de la stilul vechi la cel nou. Impropriu
spus marcheaza. Mai degraba pregateste terenul pentru asimilarea noului
stil. Incercam sa "administram" aceasta schimbare cat mai
"INTRAVENOS" cu putinta, daca ati inteles aluzia?

20. Unde si cand a fost filmat?

Dribbler: Acum 1 luna cred, 1 luna jumate, in parcul Bazilescu, intr-un
apartament pe la Obor, si o terasa pe la Universitate. In 2 zile a
fost tras.

21. Pe mana cui a intrat regizarea lui?

Dribbler: Unui anumit domn Alexandru de la,
site-ul unde va fi disponibil exclusiv clipul nostru din intelegerea pe
care am avut-o cu ei, exclusivitate limitata in timp bineinteles.
Clipul se va gasi DOAR pe pana la lansare.

22. Ca tot vorbim de site-uri, site-ul nu prea mai este updatat. Va fi updatat odata cu albumul?

Inca inainte de album va fi fully operational ca the Death Star din
Star Wars. De saptamana viitoare se preconizeaza ca isi va face datoria
ca un site adevarat ce e.

23. Cand iese albumul Veritasaga?

Urasc intrebarea asta Smile. E ca si cand ma intreaba cineva de ce am
ramas repetent desi par inteligent. Lansarea... va fi in luna
noiembrie dar cu singura diferenta ca acum e pe bune. Adica... nimic nu
o mai poate opri. Teasere, clip, ORDA, no turning back naw. Ah, eu bag
si muzica in deschidere... it's on now! Smile

24. Presupun ca va exista si un concert de lansare al albumului, nu?

Dribbler: Tot in luna noiembrie. Ar fi profi sa le combinam ne-am gandit noi Smile.

25. O sa fie un concert strict Veritasaga sau vor fi si alte trupe
invitate in deschidere? V-ati hotarat asupra numarului de piese ce vor

Dribbler: Se pare
ca nu vor mai fi alte trupe in deschidere. Dar vor fi cantate toate
piesele de pe album depinzand insa si de invitatii disponibili la acea

26. Deci strict concert Veritasaga si prietenii.

Dribbler: Right.

27. Ziceai de o schimbare, de la vechiul stil Veritasaga la noul stil Veritasaga. Ce presupune asta?

Dribbler: O perspectiva noua asupra a tot. Dintr-un unghi mai optimist.

28. Deci poti zice ca "CU ALTI OCHI" transmite un mesaj mai optimist decat primul?

Dribbler: By god YES Smile.

29. Slava Domnului. Incepusem sa ramanem fara adolescenti si crescusera vanzarile la lame. Ce urmeaza dupa albumul asta?

Apreciez anecdota acolo. Nu stiu ce urmeaza. Nobody does. Totusi, dupa
cum mi se arata mie mersul lucrurilor, (s-ar mai putea, dar nu se stie
sigur si nu se va stii pana ce nu se va fi infaptuit) va fi o
ultima piesa care sa inchida aceasta trilogie. Dar sa vedem. Cu simplul
amendament ca activitatea noastra din viitor nu are nici un fel de
legatura cu modul in care este apreciat acest album. Asa cum albumul
nr. 2 nu
a avut nici o legatura cu modul in care a fost apreciat albumul nr. 1.
O facem pentru noi si ne simtim bine asa.

30. Ce doresti sa transmiti fanilor si nu numai, in incheiere?

Sa nu ignore educatia. Daca au impresia ca educatia ii costa timp, bani
si efort fizic si psihic, le spun ca mai tarziu vor constata cu
stupoare ca mai costisitoare este ignoranta la cele enumerate mai sus.

31. De fapt, mai am o ultima intrebare, mai mult o curiozitate
personala: Care crezi ca ar fi fost azi evolutia trupei daca Connect-R
ar fi ramas in trupa?

Dribbler: Astazi evolutia trupei ar fi fost mult mai... in atentia lumii... si ma opresc aici. Dar vreau sa remarcati coada de peste.
Multumesc. Vorbim curand.

Interviu realizat de Preacher
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 859
Varsta : 34
Localisation : Austria
Data de inscriere : 28/06/2007

Interviuri Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Interviuri   Interviuri Icon_minitime24.11.07 14:36

Interviuri B1-222
Cesar Comanche

1. For the people that might be unaware, tell them who you are and what you do.

Well my name is Cesar Comanche. I am from Jacksonville, North Carolina, but I've lived in Raleigh, North Carolina since 1995.

2. What is going on with you and Justus League?

am working on my new album, "Die In Your Lap", doing collaborations
with different artists around the world, and doing shows in different
countries around the world. I'm not 100% sure what other cats are
doing, but I know they are doing the work needed to continue evolving
their career.

3. What's the difference between making a solo album and a Justus League album/mixtape?

only have ever really done Cesar Comanche albums. The closest thing I
have ever done is incorporate alot of features was on my two Squirrel
and the Aces albums. One was the Japan Tour version, and the other was
the World Wide version. I'm not really a mixtape person. As far as they
go people use songs of mine for mixtapes but I didn't put them together.

4. How would you describe your sound in just a few words?

I would say its gritty yet clean, old feel with a new touch, but always soulful.

5. As an artist, what do you feel you bring into Hip-Hop that's not already there?

only thing I feel is I bring me as an artist. People can put labels on
me all they want. I know I offer my own special something to this
artform. I don't know how to put it into words but I breathe life into
songs in my own way. I feel I keep getting better and better at it each
go round also.

6. What do you think hip-hop needs these days?

fun and the balance needs to come back. I don't feel anyone should have
to be wiped off the face of the earth, but we need the NWA and Public
Enemies of today to be in the public eye at the same time ya know. The
people will have a more accurate view of the culture that way.

7. Do you go into the studio with pre-written rhymes, lyrics and themes or do you hear the beat first and write then and there?

don't write without a beat first. I get the beat from the producer.
Next I listen to it and it tells me how it wants me to say the words
(the Cadence). Then the beat tells me what the subject matter should be
about. Lastly I come to the studio with the lyrics and the beats and I
record myself, mix and arrange the song.

8. Looking back, what would be some of the best memories of your career?

my favorite memories are entertaining the people. I come from a family
of entertainers, so it just comes natural for me. If it wasn't for that
part, I don't think I would want being a musician to be my career. Ive
got to perform live in the USA, Canada, Germany, Denmark, France,
Switzerland, Sweden, England, Estonia, and now Romania.

9. Who's your favorite artist/producer?

have a few favorites, all the producers I have worked with are included
in that list also. My Favorite producer is Pete Rock. What he does just
appeals to me. It always has, he just has stayed consistent over the

10. What does the future hold for you, what are you working towards?

music and entertainment for the people. My next album called DIE IN
YOUR LAP which should be out my mid 2008. Also a company called True
School Corporation, notable members Monie Love, 9th Wonder and Myself
is growing. You can learn more about it by going to and clicking on the True School banner. Make sure to accually read through my site also.

11. What is it that you know about Romania prior to coming over here?

knew it was in Eastern Europe, and Vlad Tepes was one of your most
famous rulers. I knew the Carpathian Mountains are there, and it was
once part of the Roman Empire. I asked lots of questions once I got
there and learned a lot more.

12. Any last words or shout-outs?

to you Alin for doing this interview, then to Hades Records, the people
of Bucharest, Romania, True School Corporation, The Justus League,
Senchy 2000, and everyone who is Cesar Comanche fan both new and old. Interviu realizat de: Sk8eru
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 859
Varsta : 34
Localisation : Austria
Data de inscriere : 28/06/2007

Interviuri Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Interviuri   Interviuri Icon_minitime24.11.07 14:37

Interviuri B1-223

Freestyle of the Arsonists

1. First of
all I would like to know who Freestyle is, where you find yourself now
in your career as well as your plans and goals for the future.
to me, is a multifaceted song writer. hiphop is my focus, but i've
indulged in otha genres as well: r&b, reggae, slow jams, freestyle
music, rock. This is why i named myself Freestyle, simply because i
felt i could do so many different things & i didn't want a name
that described one thing in particular. This was in 1985. I'm still da
same to this day Smile write now i find myself struggling to find an
avenue to put my music out & promote myself. I'm hoping somebody
will come along dat will help me put my music out there. I'm too busy
being an artist, so things get difficult when i don't have a means of
gettin my stuff distributed worldwide. In the future, i hope i'm in a
betta place as far as this distribution & promotion stuff is
concerned, and i hope i'm still able to live off of my craft. its been
a blessing. 2. Going way back, how did you originally start rhyming? I
started rhymin thru my boy, MC Tye. At the time, he was rappin & i
would help him wit his rhymes & vocabulary. Then i started
freestylin on my own, but i was too afraid to actually write rhymes
& write songs. This also was in 1985. Then he saw potential in me.
one night he gave me some paper and a pencil, and told me to go home
and write a rhyme no matta wat. I said i couldn't do it ... but he
insisted. So i went home, sat down wit da pencil and paper, and there
it began ... then i said why dont we make a group? he agreed, and i
came up wit da name "freestyle" for myself, and we wrote our first song
called "bad beyond control". I named it as well! 3. How has it growing up in Brooklyn? Did those areas influence your more than interesting hip hop style? Growin
up in bk has been great. I'm glad i grew up in this poor and rough
lifestyle. It has made me what i am today and i'm proud of it. i'm a
strong person and i think i can survive anywhere because of growin up
in Brooklyn. If u were a kid in brooklyn, you had to be part of hiphop
because hiphop was just the way to be. It was our life ... it wasn't a
name. We didn't say we were doin hiphop. We just was hiphop and that's
it. We lived in a hiphop manner: breakin on da block or in the park,
poppin, rappin, graffiti, djs throwin block parties, etc ... it just
happened that way. It was a BEAUTIFUL time in world history. So since i
came from the roots, it influenced my style. You don't have to many
rappers out there now that stuck with it. A lot of people have
abandoned the roots of it all. 4. You've participated in quite a lot of battles, why did you retire? It
was fun while it lasted. It was time to move on and continue wat i
originally wanted to be, a songwriter and mc. Simple as that Smile 5. Which would you say was the craziest battle you've had? Against
some kid that said we stole his name (Arsonists). It was funny ...
people said i made him cry while he was with his girlfriend! 6. Do you have any plans to go back to battling? Nope! haha 7. How much has the industry as well as being involved in hip hop, helped educate you as a person? It's
taught me many things ... its taught me to not trust everyone, to have
patience, to strive, to do things for myself, independence, strength,
courage, etc... etc... i can go on for days. 8. Are you involved in any of the other hip-hop elements? I
started out breakin & beatboxin. Then i rapped. Then i went on to
graffiti. Then when i noticed i sucked at everything besides rappin, i
dropped it all and continued rappin. Then i tried deejayin and i wasn't
good at that either. But i CAN dj in a club and rock a party. I just
can't mix to well and i can't scratch like the pros. My signature is a
graf style and always will be. I respect writers and breakers alot. Djs
get love to cuz they're the ones in control of da party. 9. Out of all the collaborations you've had, which one are you most proud of? Shabazz
& Looptroop! I appreciate all my collabs tho. torch (from germany)
is another one i really really appreciate. He's a great person and a
good friend. i like people like that. 10. I read in
your biography that you've acquired a reputation for personally
answering each and every fan email. How many emails do you receive per
This is true ... when i have new releases, then i
get ALOT of emails everyday. but wen things slow down, then da emails
slow down. Myspace has helped alot cuz instead of emails, people just
post comments, which is kool. I dont know exactly how many emails i get
a day, but it sometimes is in the hundreds. Write now i'm gettin like
10 a day cuz it's da summertime and i'm on vacation Smile 11. Last Saturday you had a concert in Bucharest. What do you think of the Romanian public? Romanians
are some kool people man ... i mean, i haven't spent alot of time in
Romania of course. But from what i've seen so far, i think it's safe to
say romanians are good people. They seem to appreciate all da small
details. I like dat. 12. The average age among the people that attended your concert was around 25. How do you explain that? I
guess this is becuz my group first came out 11 years ago. So if u
subtract 11 from 25, you get 14. These where the same kids that got
into Arsonists back in the days and they came throw to show their
WASSUP! 13. Could you summarize the concert in 3 words? OFF DA HOOK! 14. What's it like to see the crowd begging you to perform songs from "As the world Burns"? It's
GREAT. Such a goooooood feeling ... shows me that we did something
right. Shows me that our job was fulfilled. Shows me that there's still
real hiphop heads out there, not just the young cats that's only into
commercial stuff. I really appreciate the real heads. 15. Are there any differences between the American and the European public? Of
course! I love my country and i love my people, but the majority of
people here are mostly into "commercial" stuff. Then the crowd that's
into "undaground" stuff doesn't support! They don't come to da shows in
hundreds or thousands. It's frustrating ... but in europe, i do a show
and at least 500 people come every night, unless it was badly promoted.
16. Any final words or shout-outs? peep me on da internet at or
Big up Hades Records for bringin me out! big up my boy Keri as well!
Keep makin dem bangin beats! big up Dox! And big up to all the real
heads in Romania! Thx for da interview and sorry for the delay, but
summertime had my soul in 07 Smile peace!Interviu realizat de: Sk8eru
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 859
Varsta : 34
Localisation : Austria
Data de inscriere : 28/06/2007

Interviuri Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Interviuri   Interviuri Icon_minitime07.12.07 20:57

Interviu Sisu
Sus In jos
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